Recognize the signs
Recently I was in DC for a couple weeks attending a class at the National Defense University. The students were mostly mid-grade officers, Majors and Lieutenant Colonels. There were only a few senior enlisted. It was a great class with tons of good conversations and a lot of jokes. I always feel outgunned in a crowd like that and it often turns my mind to the paths of life. Every little choice can have major effects. Anyway, one morning I was lying in bed thinking about the nature of class. It’s a common thought in my work. After about an hour I got out of bed, made some coffee and started getting ready for class. Eventually I opened the curtains and was greeted by a naked woman in the building across the way. It was as if God or the universe has slapped me across the head and said, “pay attention to what matters stupid!” You have to recognize the signs. You have to be open to the gifts.